Here at the beginning I have to say SS Galaxy Cruise Ship is a phenomena. I should say that it was really huge and since just go in there can find thousands of interesting interactions. As I just teleported there I found myself in front of the entrance of the ship, and I noticed a board which was writing on it this message “Weapons of any kind prohibited”. Well I did not know that before which everybody can have a gun in Second Life and I was thinking why they need that since it’s a virtual world. To be frank I do not have any idea but it was grabbing my attention and forced me to think about Second Life in a different way.
After that I moved into the ship and I witnessed a very well design and good-looking lobby. Moreover, the good point there was the secretaries. I could get every types of information about the ship or even events from them. I should admit that everything in SS Galaxy was different than other places which I’ve visited before. To be honest that ship was more than a Virtual place. It was really cool because whoever has not tried some sort of ship like that before can go there and take a true understanding about it.
Everybody could go there and rent a room or suit and even they could rent a suit for honeymoon which was interesting for me and after a while that I moved around I found out that even we can rent a special atrium or hall for wedding ceremony. I should say that I could not believe that first. How come people would like to marry with each other in a VIRTUAL world? And that’s why I felt that we are going to a new era which is a Virtual era.
In SS Galaxy people can do everything. They can go to gym, have look at the art museum, go to the dance hall and have fun there or try different types of interactions like the skydiving pod which was really unbelievable for me and gave me different experience.
AT the end I would like to give a comment about the way that design the ship and I must say that SS Galaxy is a great work in Second Life, Even the lighting and texturing are great enough and there is no doubt on that. Moreover the interactions are so unique by themselves. Totally the atmosphere of the ship is really nice and exclusive and it will give an incredible experience to the user which is the main point and the aim of VR designers.