Thursday, August 26, 2010

Augmented City

Recently one of the video that I could found in Vimeo’s website is about Augmented Reality which I should admit that I am much more interested on it sometimes even more than Virtual Reality. Anyway in this video which is for Keiichi Matsuda (freelance designer and film-maker), we’ll see a small part of benefit of Augmented Reality which is really remarkable. According to his website "Keiichi's research examines the implications of emerging technologies for human perception and the built environment, focusing on the integration of media into everyday life. He has a multi-disciplinary approach to his work, using a mixture of video, motion graphics, interaction design, and architecture to create vibrant "hyper-real" environments where the distinctions between physical and virtual start to dissolve."


Moreover, here is the 3d link with much better quality.



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