The first place that I went for visiting was Numbakulla Island. Well to me Numbakulla Island was much more relaxing experience, simply because it was a beautiful and calm Island. As I teleported there the first thing that I saw, was a shipwrecks and flotsam. I do not know why they were there but it gave me a feeling that something happened here some time ago. Anyway, I moved around and I noticed a very big light house with a weird design, moreover it was really interesting that those people had a lighthouse at that time in their Island. After that I led to a rocky path way and I Just saw some giant flowers which were floating on water and also some sort of cottage which were look like a flower too. Everything proved that Island was a superior place.

I would like to give a comment about the way that they lived there, inside their houses were really nice designed and furniture. It proved that the quality of their lives were high at that time with all those furniture and equipments that they were using. As an example I’ve found a machine there that I have no idea what was used for. As you can see in the picture it was kind of a big diamond on a big window as soon as I click on that diamond the light came in and I could see the reflection of it there.

The other thing which was attractive for me was the tomb that they built on a high mountain because during their era it was really hard to build something like that on that height.

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