The first place that I visited during our tip was the Orchid Park. Well, as I noticed most of the visitors liked to visit the bird park only, and it was just maybe 30 percent out of them came and visit the orchid park too. Again I have complained about the entrance of the orchid park too, it was not really grabbing the attentions as usual. Beside, inside park had some problems that I like to mentioned here. Well as soon as I walked in there, I expected that I’m about to visit so many different types of flowers and plants with a little information for each category. Actually they had different types of flowers but not enough; moreover they had lack of information. Since most of the visitors like to know about each flowers. Even though we expected to see different types of orchid there but unfortunately it was not enough. About the space I should say that they had a very nice and big place but it was not well organized, and for me it was just like a normal park not much different than others. On the other hand the way that they made the roads inside park for visitors was quite nice and no one cloud lost there.

Let’s just start about one of the amazing Bird Park in the world. This Bird Park has more than 5000 birds, from more than 50 species, in an enclosed aviary. And, according to my research 90 percent of the birds are local which is amazing by itself.
Focus & Emotion
After I’ve done with Orchid Park, I moved in the Bird Park. I have to say that bird park was completely different than Orchid Park. I felt like astonished since they gather dissimilar and special types of birds there because even did not see most of them before in my entire life. One of the thing that I have not seen it before in other bird parks was just a machine that we could drop two coins in it and took fish and bird food. The machine by itself was new for me because on my previous experience that I visited another bird park, it was just a stall which we could buy food for birds and fishes. So, I guess that machine makes everything easier for visitors.
Moreover, I really like the way that they feed birds. It made everything more natural and real. So, as a visitor I felt that I AM in a MODERN jungle with roads, bench and other things.

Space/Form & Orientation
Well there is no doubt that they were organized the park very well. I could find my way to every zone that I wanted since they used sign boards to help visitors. The other thing that I noticed there were the waterfall and the way which was built after that. It was like a spiral road that I could watch some birds on my way and even under that road too.

Knowledge & Task
One of the things that I like to talk about it in this part is about the education center that they have there. It was nice, since I felt that they wanted to give us some more information about how a chick will birth in a modern way. They used some sort of posters to convey the information to visitors; moreover they had some special machines which were for that work. But, if I want to comment about the other parts have to say that it was just ordinary like other parks. They used some boards to convey the information to guests but usually people in these days do not really like to read, they like to see instead. If I were them I would like to use VR or even AR as a technique to express the information to people in an amazing way.
Finally I would like to add that it was really a good day with my friends out there.